Testing Procedures

If you haven’t initialized your ContactNetwork, it’s best to go back to the ContactNetwork section of the tutorial. If you’d like to start by immunizing your network, feel free to go back to the Immunization section of the tutorial.

The Contagion object supports testing procedures by passing implement_testing = True and a specified test_rate (dictating the portion(s) of nodes from the network to be tested at each step) at initialization. By default, testing is random:

sim = contagion.Contagion(
  beta = 0.75,
  implement_testing = True,
  test_rate = 0.05)

Testing is assumed to be 100% accurate, revealing whether a node is infected. Re-testing is permitted.

Symptomatic individuals may be more likely to seek testing than asymptomatic individuals. Passing a tuple of length 2 for the test_rate will designate separate rates for asymptomatic and symptomatic nodes, respectively:

sim = contagion.Contagion(
  beta = 0.75,
  implement_testing = True,
  test_rate = (0.01, 0.1))

Alternately, a contact tracing approach is available:

sim = contagion.Contagion(
  beta = 0.75,
  implement_testing = True,
  testing_type = "contact",
  test_rate = 0.05)

This method implements the logic illustrated below:
